December 2024 Alumni 955 Newsletter

westmont campus view of ocean

Dear Fellow Alums,

I hope this letter finds you well. I love celebrating holiday traditions, even the unconventional ones like the giraffe, zebra and kangaroo that my kids have added to our nativity set over the years. I find comfort and familiarity in celebrating annual traditions. 

The holidays provide an opportunity to show appreciation for the people in our lives, to give thanks and to pay it forward. This week the Alumni office hosted a December Grad Celebration Dinner. At this dinner where each grad shares stories about someone who has impacted them and whom they admire. It’s powerful to hear how individuals have invested in others and see the fruit of their labor.

The holidays can often be a busy time filled with lists to check off and events to attend. In the midst of the hustle and bustle, I pray that we listen to the nudging of the Holy Spirit. I'm praying God uses you to encourage, equip and bless those around you this Advent season. May you be a bringer of peace in a weary world.

May the strength of God sustain you;
May the power of God preserve you;
May the hands of God protect you;
May the way of God direct you;
May the love of God go with you always
May the will of God give you peace that transcends understanding as you trust in His providence.

Warmly in Christ,
Janay Marshall ’01
Director of Alumni Relations

A Joyous Homecoming Celebration

About 450 alums and families returned to Westmont for one of the best-attended Homecomings in years. Many celebrated class reunions, and everyone enjoyed a wide variety of activities. The annual Alumni Brunch honored outstanding men and women who make significant contributions to their communities.

Eric Knopf ’04 co-founded and serves as co-CEO of Webconnex, a leading software company that powers events and fundraising for global brands such as Nike, RedBull, Crossfit, Young Life, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Major League Baseball. He has also founded Epic Life, a faith community where he preaches and teaches. He and his wife, Camille White Knopf ’03, live in Sacramento with their two children.
Dr. Lauren Brown-Berchtold ’09 decided to pursue family medicine after an Emmaus Road summer trip to Indonesia. She graduated from the Keck School of Medicine at USC and also completed a fellowship in obstetrics. She directs the Family Medicine Residency Training Program at San Joaquin General Hospital in French Camp, California, 30 minutes from her hometown. She and her husband, Nick, have a daughter.

Ben Eastvold ’01, founder and executive director of GLAD Technology, a nonprofit based in Sacramento, helps refugees rebuild their lives after fleeing war and violence. GLAD also operates in rural Kenya, where Ben teaches technology courses in person each summer and remotely during the year, providing tools and training for a better life. Previously, he was a software engineer, teacher, IT director and high school principal. 

Alicia Burns Eastvold ’04 leads a technology service team at Your Part-Time Controller (YPTC) that helps nonprofits use technology and data to make meaningful decisions. Previously, she has worked in accounting and earned her CPA. In addition, she supports GLAD Technology’s operations, deeply investing in its growth, mission and outreach. She enjoys helping nonprofits tell their financial stories. Alicia and Ben have two daughters. 

John Bertram ’14 earned an M.S. in power engineering at Germany’s Technical University of Munich (TUM). His team from TUM won the Hyperloop competition at SpaceX, and he later worked on electric planes capable of vertical take-off. In 2018, he started OnePointOne with his brother to address food security with automated indoor vertical farming technology. John is the main architect of the technology. He and his wife, Anna-Kate Bultema Bertram ’14, live in Arizona.

homecoming 2024

President Gayle D. Beebe, Dr. Lauren Brown Berchtold ’09, John Bertram ’14, Ben Eastvold ’01, Alicia Eastvold ’04 and Eric Knopf ’04, from left to right

Nominate an Alum as a Candidate for Next Year’s Homecoming Alumni Awards

A friendly competition encouraged reunion classes to make gifts to Westmont. The class of 1964 earned the highest rate of participation (22%), and the class of 1989 donated the most funds. The Alumni Office presented a check for $6,469,966.90 — the total alums contributed in the past year — to WCSA President David Chiang, who accepted on behalf of students.

Robyn Bickerton Broadus ’13 spoke at the Alumni Chapel about her recovery after a brain injury suffered in a major car accident. 

Alums could choose to attend a regular class on Friday and could also hear Westmont professors speak about A.I., geo-political conflicts and foreign aid, and the Camino de Santiago in Spain.

Families enjoyed the tailgate and carnival, with 230 people eating Kyle’s Kitchen burgers and Rori’s ice cream. A climbing wall, bouncy slide, carnival games and prizes, face painting, popcorn and cotton candy kept children busy and happy.

The Potters Clay Memorial Service marked 35 years since the car accident that took the lives of Lisa Bebout, Alan Voorman and Garth Weedman. Campus Pastor Scott Lisea ’88, with former campus pastor Bart Tarman, presided over a beautiful celebration of life. Patty Hallock Crosby and Megan Harter Adams suffered critical injuries, and Megan spoke about her experience and her new book, “Hope in the Darkest Hour: A Memoir of Survival and Resilience.” 

The Westmont Classic Golf Tournament welcomed nearly 100 golfers who played at Glen Annie Golf Course to support student scholarships. At a dinner after the tournament, a live raffle gave away a putter signed by professional golfer Scottie Scheffler. The event raised more than $20,000.

Special gatherings reconnected alums who participated in Westmont in San Francisco, Potters Clay, theatre, choir, Ahh Men Acapella, volleyball alums, the Augustinian Scholars and the teaching credential programs.

Other activities included:
•    A hymn sing and a Vespers service.
•    An open house of the Fletcher Jones Foundation Center for Engineering.
•    A strategic plan update.
•    An alum-student networking dessert sponsored by the Career Center.
•    An estate-planning seminar.
•    Stargazing at the observatory.
•    The Celebration of Summer Research where students presented research projects.
•    Coffee and live entertainment by students.
•    An art exhibit in the Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art.
•    Campus tours for future legacy students.
•    Sunset Sips, a poplar new event at the Biltmore Wall.

Homecoming attendees told us their favorite class.

homecoming 2024 favorite class

Plan Today to Attend Homecoming October 17-19, 2025

Cheer for the Warrior soccer and volleyball teams. Enjoy the free tailgate lunch and Kids Carnival. Play in a foursome at the Westmont Classic Golf Tournament at Glen Annie Golf Course and become a sponsor. Attend a special Celebration of 50 Years of Women in Sports honoring trailblazers and reflecting on progress and milestones.

Become a reunion leader! If you graduated in a year ending in 0 or 5, email if you’d like to help create your celebration.

Mark your calendars today and encourage your classmates to return for the fun!

Enjoy these upcoming Westmont events

dwelling place

20th Westmont Christmas Festival at the Granada Theatre, December 14 at 7 p.m. and December 15 at 3 p.m. Tickets.

Eighth Westmont Women’s Leadership Council Luncheon

Eighth Westmont Women’s Leadership Council Luncheon, January 24, noon, Montecito Covenant Church with Henrietta Holsman Fore, former executive director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and a recognized leader in business, corporate boards, the U.S. government, the United Nations, and nonprofit organizations. Last year’s luncheon raised $20,000 in scholarships for students. Tickets.

Save the date. 20th Westmont’s Presidents Breakfast, February 28, 7-9 a.m., Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort featuring the 66th Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice. Information

20th Westmont’s Presidents Breakfast

Movie on Kerrwood Lawn, April 26, 6-9 p.m.
Join alums and students for an eventful evening. The Westmont Activities Council (WAC) provides free pizza, sodas, popcorn, cotton candy and a snow cone before the event. Movie TBD

Creation Care Service Project, April 26, 9-11 a.m., Westmont Garden
During this one-day project, we’ll harvest crops, till the land and plant new seeds. Enjoy donuts and coffee. A rock-painting station will appeal to kids, and a biology professor will discuss the importance of caring for the creation.

Golden Warrior Weekend for the Class of 1975, May 2-4
The class of 1975 will celebrate their 50th reunion with fun events and will march in academic regalia with the class of 2025 at Commencement. If you graduated in 1975 and haven’t received information yet, contact

Westmont Events in your area

westmont student playing games

Representatives plan engaging events across the country. 
•    Our Honolulu rep organized a pickle ball meet-up.
•    Orange County alums met at the Salty Bear Brewing Co. for a mixer.
•    San Diego alums recently met at the Andersons’ for drinks and desserts.
•    Bay Area alums gathered to cheer our Warriors at a soccer match and will be gathering Saturday, Janurary 11, 10am-1pm at Burgess Park in Menlo Park for BBQ, Spikeball and Cornhole.
•    Sacramento alums heard a presentation about President Beebe’s new book.

Reach out to if you’d like to help plan events in your area.

Soon to Come: Young Alumni Events
Look for emails with details about activities for young alums in Santa Barbara. 

Engrave Your Westmont Brick

Engrave Your Westmont Brick

In April, Westmont installed its first engraved brick path, replacing asphalt in the formal gardens. More than 375 alums, families and friends have submitted messages, and the college will add more bricks in the years to come. As students make their first and last walks through the gardens at Orientation and Commencement, they’ll see this testament to the generosity and commitment of the Westmont community.

Purchase a Brick Today

Stay at Westmont this summer!

Located in the heart of campus, the Global Leadership Center (GLC) offers excellent accommodations. All GLC rooms have private bathrooms and air conditioning. Information. If you have children, enroll them in Westmont summer camps while you’re in town. Your high schoolers can participate in Trailhead and explore God’s call to a meaningful life throughout a week of spiritual formation work. You can also reach out to our Admissions team to set up a tour. Lastly, stop by the bookstore. All alums receive a 10% discount on purchases from the book store. 

Did you know?

Contact your auto insurance agent and mention you went to Westmont to see if you qualify for a discount. The Alumni Office will confirm your alumni status with them if you email

Going through a job transition? Make a free appointment with the Westmont Career Resource Center. They’ll help you polish your resume and assist with your job search. Contact for more info. 

Nearly 15,000 Westmont alums belong to the LinkedIn Westmont network! Consult this effective resource to network, stay informed and connect with other alums. 

Cheer for our Warriors when they compete in your area

Cheer for our Warriors when they compete in your area

Westmont Athletics will be competing this year in Santa BarbaraOrange CountyFresnoThe Bay AreaSacramentoAzusaHawaiiSan Diego and more. View the Westmont Athletics schedule to know when the Warriors will be playing near you.

Major Westmont games can also be viewed by watching the Prestosports livestream.

End of Year Giving Information

As your plan your end-of-year giving priorities, we’d be honored if you considered including Westmont. Your support makes possible Westmont’s excellent academic and spiritual resources, and helps students and their families afford a life-changing education. 
You can give securely online here
For calendar year tax credit, gifts made by check and sent by USPS must be postmarked by December 31. Checks sent by FedEx or other courier must be received by December 31.
Please reach out to Janet Sawlaw if you need assistance with gifts of appreciated securities, IRA, wire transfers or foundations.

A Complimentary Resource for Wills and Trusts


Westmont currently provides our community a no-cost online tool from FreeWill that guides you through the process of creating your will and trust. It's a user-friendly resource to help you ensure that you have communicated your wishes for the future.

Create My Will Today